Monday, July 4, 2011

Week 1-Part 2

On Wednesday, we spent the day at a nursing home. Of course, my mom, Hilary, and Vicky LOVED  it. I think we all enjoyed it. It was just an awesome time to serve the elders and widows like James 1:27 says. We, or atleast I, struggled some with feeling like we needed to be doing SOMETHING with them at all times, but I really think they just enjoyed having company. 

We spent some time massaging their hands and feet with lotion, painting fingernails, doing some puzzles, doing a devotion, passing out goodie bags and beanie babies, and just spending time with them. :) 

They were married :)

Then on Thursday, we spent the day at CIPI. I was feeling terrible this day so I did not get many pictures. We just rotated between the different groups in the morning. 

Kurt had planned an "activity" at 10 and told me to have the group back at the center. I had no clue what was going on. They surprised me with a small memorial service and a plaque on the wall in Memory of sweet Carlos. It was a precious time! I cried like a goob. :)

Carlos' plaque! It talks about how his life was an inspiration for all who knew him. How his warrior heart and fight that he had was a blessing to us all. And that he will never be forgotten! The verse on there in Romans 8:18. Which says: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  
I loved it! 

That afternoon, I actually came home and went to bed. I hated to but they made me! 

Last couple days to be continued!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures.

    We pray for you often at our house.

    Thoguht you might like this link when you get the time:


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