Monday, May 3, 2010

Memory Monday!

I think every Monday I am gonna do a post on a memory of mine that is dear to my heart!! We shall call it "Memory Monday". :) I think it will be a good way to look back and remember things that I love.
 This week's Memory Monday is going to be from my very first Souled Out as a D-Leader (Disciple group leader)
This was my very first D-Group!!! :) I was pretty nervous but it ended up good! I learned a WHOLE lot from this first group!!! 

This is one of my very first pictures with Hannah!!!! We had no clue that the other one existed but we got in a car together and rode for 8 hours!!! When we left Olive Branch, MS we were stangers...When we arrived in Columbus, GA we were BFF's! And still are!!! 

Oh, Coco! Brian Cohen and I hit it off as friends! I didn't think we would be that good of friends but we still talk and keep up with one another! He is so funny and can always make people laugh!!! 

Chelsea Megan!! I love this girl!!! I never knew we'd become such good friends! We stay in pretty close contact through the year! She makes me laugh so much! :)

Goodie and the girls! We made fast friends with Goodie, too! (His name is Josh Goodson but everyone calls him Goodie!) He has become a good friend, too!

Wes! I love him! :) He is from Arkansas and grew up with Hannah. So I still get to see him every once in a while! 

Jose asked me to be his girlfriend while at camp!! Of course I said YES!! Who wouldn't?!?! :) He is so awesome! 

This was my 2nd group of girls!!! They were a little bit more of a challenge but I learned a lot from them as well!! This girl in the bottom right with the sunglasses on, was SO SO SO talkative and disruptive. I loved her, though. I prayed that she would be quieter and less disruptive and about the 2nd day in group, she COMPLETELY lost her voice!! Haha. I learned that God really does have a sense of humor! :)

This "Memory Monday" was fun!!! I remembered a lot of things about this experience! I hope you enjoy! :)

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